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462606 seit 24.09.2000

New Missions

Please add links / URLs into your MN3 so players can use Autodownload such as with Vortex to get your mission. Just like this: 

(file names have to be ALL LoWeEr CaSe and do not use spaces in the filename!!!)

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
The ZIP file should contain at least the following: your_mission.mn3 and a TXT file to describe your mission, including contact infos - like described in Step 2. Important: may only be compressed "normal" (not high or low) otherwise it could cause "CRC" errors with Autodownloads!
Please amend 1 - 4 screenshot in JPG, PNG or GIF format with the dimensions 1024 x 768 pixels (maximum) (needs to be selected / uploaded in the form on the next page).
Your_Mission.TXT should contain the following details:
  • Mission name
  • Mission type (compatibilites such as singleplay, multiplay, anarchy, CTF, ect.)
  • If it contains custom textures, objects or scripts
  • Your name
  • Your valid email address
  • The version of your mission (such as V.1.1)
  • Is this release a beta version
  • Is this a new mission or an update / new version?
  • a brief description of your mission
Submit the Mission now! Follow the link and enter your details into the form. The mission will be validated by an Administrator and then gets approved.

Submit mission
